
The TMI Calibration Mission

TMI was founded by Wendy and Mike Floyd in 1991. Our goal is to provide first quality accredited calibration service to all of our customers while maintaining diversity in our workforce.

It is the policy and objective of Technical Maintenance, Inc. to provide the highest possible level of quality of accredited calibration and repair services.TMI has made a commitment to achieve excellent laboratory practices through continuous improvement of the entire system, competence of its technicians, continuous training of all employees, and to provide the best customer service possible.

We are Local

TMI is a local company with full-service labs in Atlanta, GA; Tampa, FL; Huntsville, AL; Colorado Springs, CO; Ft Lauderdale, FL; Raleigh, NC; Columbus, OH; Rockford, IL; Windsor, CT and Melbourne, FL. These are real labs not just a shipping point. Since our entire focus is test equipment, we are able to offer the best possible service with fast turnaround at very competitive prices. Customer service is the most important part of our business. Since we’re an independent laboratory and not part of a larger company, we totally rely on satisfied customers to stay in business. Everyone at TMI is very much aware of our policy in regards to customer service. If you are ever not fully satisfied with our service, call us and we will do everything in our power to satisfy your concerns.

TMI is accredited by ANSI National Accreditation Board in accordance with the recognized International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994, ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006 and all other program requirements in the field of calibration. Our accreditation meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. For more detailed information, please contact our Quality Department. On-site calibration and repair is a very important part of our service and represents over half of our business. Our on-site services include full time resident services in which we manage and run your calibration and/or power tool repair lab. We also provide free pickup and delivery in the vicinity of our laboratories.

Why use TMI

TMI is a full service ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration lab. We are large enough to do almost any equipment you would have but still treat you like a small company who appreciates your business. We can customize our services to meet your needs. That’s the big advantage of using TMI, we actually do care about our customers; we’re a customer service company that does accredited calibration.

When you call TMI a TMI employee in one of our facilities answers the phone. They will direct your call to the right person to answer your questions honestly and give you a real turnaround time to do the calibration to your requirements. If for some reason there is a problem or delay you will know as soon as we do. If it’s an item we do not currently calibrate we will tell you why and recommend someone who can do it for you. You can email us through our web-site https://www.tmicalibration.com/contact/  or directly and you will hear back normally in one hour or less, in the worst case 1 day.

Accuracy and measurement field capability are very important. TMI constantly invests in the best and most accurate standards necessary to correctly perform your calibration. We do not cut corners.

Automated calibrations. Over the past 6 years TMI has spent millions of dollars creating, testing and verifying automated calibration procedures. These are complete calibration procedures doing all the individual tests by computer control and recording the measured data. These procedures do not allow steps to be missed, incorrect standards listed or data to be recorded incorrectly. They are monitored by our best technicians and then rechecked by our QC technicians to ensure you get exactly what you requested.

Some equipment cannot be computer controlled (like a caliper); for these items we have detailed validated procedures that step our trained and qualified calibration technicians through all necessary measurements; once completed they also run through our QC program.

TMI works as a team; you may be interfacing with just one of our employees but that employee is working with everyone at TMI to make sure your needs are met.

You can ship your equipment to us, or if you’re in our delivery area we will provide free pick-up and delivery service. We also offer on-site calibration where we send our technicians and calibration standards to your location and do the exact same calibration there. For our larger customers we also offer an OTS program, On-site Technical Services, where we set-up a lab in your facility and staff it with technicians and the standards to perform calibrations at your location. We can adapt any or all of these options to meet your needs.

TMI offers a full service program to support all of your test equipment requirements from acquisition, accredited calibration, repair and final disposition. We offer free access to our audit friendly customer accessible database. We also sell new and used test equipment. The advantage of buying it from us is when you receive it, the item has been calibrated to your needs and is in the database ready to be used. In addition we do certification of everything related to clean rooms, fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, laminar flow hoods, ovens of all types and many other specialty items. We also offer first article inspection on our Mitutoyo CMM.

Please ask about anything you need done; if we can’t do it we will help you find a qualified source. If you want to use just one vendor we will handle your entire calibration process.

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