The Most Advanced Calibration & Testing Laboratory

Customer Complaint Resolution Process

When a TMI associate receives a customer complaint, or any customer contact indicating inquiries that the associate or customer determines warrant further investigation and follow-up, the actions must be tracked, investigated and resolved. The solution must be communicated to the customer.

An acknowledgement to the customer of the receipt of this issue is to be delivered within two working days. This requirement applies for the normal, local business processes and for the escalation process. At closure, any follow-up or preventive measures necessary for customer satisfaction and continuous improvement will occur according to the requirements of our Corrective Actions Resolution Policy; including verifiable objective evidence of a root cause solution where applicable.

When customer satisfaction is maintained within the local process, a formal customer complaint escalation is not required. Customer complaints that cannot be resolved within the local business process, and within 5 working days, will be escalated and tracked to closure.

“We can have more accuracy and capabilities than the best facilities in this nation, but without satisfied customers, we will be the best calibration company that went out of business!”

Wendy and Mike Floyd
CEO and President
Technical Maintenance Inc.

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